Sew’s Wacky Christmas Party 2023
Oh, hi! You’re just in time for gifts!
Oh, hi! You’re just in time for gifts!
September showers bring October flowers.
Don’t spend it all in one place! Here, we’ll just ration it out to one a day to help you make it last.
God, it’s already time again. Time to laugh, cry, and just.. relax. Everything will be okay, we’re here now. We’ve got this. Smile You Son of a Bitch, 2021 I feel like I had more to say. This sorta snuck up on me. Same rules as every year, new page every day of October just … Smile You Son of a Bitch, 2021
I think you know what this means. I think we all know what this means. This is gonna be an October like you’ve never seen.
Well shit, we did it again! Here’s the cover for this years SYSOAB. Like last year and the year before it, a new comic page every day just one minute after midnight, Sew-Central time. As an art note, I live in this notion of “fix it in post” even when not explicitly. I always seem … Smile You Son of a Bitch, 2019
Get ’em! New Halloween was a lot of fun. And we got SMILE YOU SON OF A BITCH goin’ on